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Typed Query Results

For the best TypeScript experience, you may want to define your own response types for useKql, which will help catch errors in your template.

The KirbyQueryResponse<T = any, Pagination extends boolean = false> accepts the generic type parameter T used for the query result type.

// Extend the default response type with the result we expect from the query response
await useKql<KirbyQueryResponse<{ title: string }>>({
  query: 'site',
  select: ['title'],


By creating a custom KirbySite type for the expected response result and passed to the KirbyQueryResponse as its first type parameter, the data reactive variable will be provided with typings:

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { KirbyQueryResponse } from '#nuxt-kql'

// Create an interface for the query result, respectively the data returned by the API
export interface KirbySite {
  title: string
  children: {
    id: string
    title: string
    isListed: boolean

// `data` will be of type `KirbyQueryResponse<KirbySite>`
const { data } = await useKql<KirbyQueryResponse<KirbySite>>({
  query: 'site',
  select: {
    title: true,
    children: {
      query: 'site.children',
      select: {
        id: true,
        title: true,
        isListed: true

    <!-- The IDE will provide auto completion and error checking for nested keys -->
    <h1>{{ data?.result.title }}</h1>

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