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What is Nuxt KQL?

Nuxt KQL is a lightweight module for Nuxt to reliably fetch data from your Kirby instance using the Kirby Query Language API, while keeping your authentication credentials safe. It works on the server and the client.


Kirby suits well for a headless CMS. Setting up KQL is fairly easy, but fetching queries can be cumbersome at times. Not to mention CORS issues. This module tries to solve this by providing simple to use composables consuming KQL queries as a parameter.

With provided composables like useKql, your KQL response are cached and authorization is handled for you out of the box.

Most importantly, your Kirby authentication credentials are protected when fetching data, even on the client.

Headless Kirby

Setting up Kirby to support headless mode is a bit of a hassle. To make your life easier, you can use a ready-to-use Kirby instance with a headless API. This Nuxt module works best with the Kirby Headless Starter. You don't have to use it, but it's suited best for using Kirby as a headless CMS and avoids common pitfalls like CORS issues.

With it, you will get out of the box:

  • 🦭 Optional bearer token for authentication
  • 🔒 public or private API
  • 🧩 KQL with bearer token support via new /api/kql route
  • ⚡️ Cached KQL queries
  • 🌐 Multi-language support for KQL queries
  • 🗂 Templates present JSON instead of HTML
  • 😵‍💫 No CORS issues!
  • 🍢 Build your own API chain
  • 🦾 Express-esque API builder with middleware support

Nuxt Starter Kits

Choose your favorite from the starter kits page and get started with Nuxt KQL in no time!

Released under the MIT License.